Digital Marketing
Frequently Asked Questions

That is likely the most common question we receive.

Unfortunately, every service and every campaign is priced differently. It will depend on the needs and abilities of your business.

We are also aware of the fact that some of the businesses that come to us are only at their starting stage and cannot afford a full-scale digital marketing advertisement campaigns. Therefore, we can only determine the cost after we will hear all of your needs and requirements.

Although we do not set a minimum budget, after examining your market field and marketing platforms we will have a suggested minimum budget.

Understand and managing marketing budgets of different sizes is one of the characteristics that make our work interesting. We look at every customer differently and believe we can contribute to each, in different ways.

However, before entering the process it is important to understand that the field of internet advertising is both expensive and time-consuming. We will both invest a lot, therefore, we will recommend that businesses that want to work with us make sure they have an annual advertising budget available to them.

In the vast majority of cases, the answer is yes.

Digital marketing offers a very wide range of tools and opportunities through which any business can leverage its activities. your customers are online, they search the web, they are part of social media and so should your business be.

Absolutely not. We work under the mo long – term obligation policy.

All the agreements between us are based on a monthly plan, and you can terminate the engagement whenever you want. We both can.

We do not have hidden payments, and the truth is that this method works best for both sides.

Depending on your needs, start by contacting us.

Together we will understand your business needs and set up a plan. Our free call meeting does not obligate you in any way and its sole purpose is to start the work process in the fastest and most professional way.

A digital marketing agency is a business that provides services to other businesses with their online marketing efforts.

You know, like us! 🙂

We, as an agency can be as involved as you would like. We handle all of the digital marketing campaigns for some of our clients, but for others, we only work project by project.

See us as an extension of your company, that specialized in digital marketing services.

Yes! we are a certified Google partner.

While we are a certified Google partner, our SEO services are not verified or endorsed by Google.

Most of the digital marketing campaigns need to be handled by a professional.

The main benefit of course is experience and resources. Digital marketing agencies have access to knowledge and resources that you may not.
You are an expert in your field, and as much you are tech-savvy, you need experts in digital marketing working with you.

Measuring your campaign results, organic or paid is essential for optimization, goal testing and costs.

We use and recommend Google Analytics as it is the most trusted source by all marketers, and provides a way to measure all that is done on your website.

Audience persona or buyer’s persona is a representation of your ideal customer, based on market research and data.

As a business owner, you should know your targeted audience demographics, behaviour patterns, motivations, goals fear and challenges. This will help you market as you will know your clients’ buying decisions, attitudes, concerns etc.

Click on the tool to find your Audience Persona.

Audience Persona

Make sure that you are generating targeted leads

A marketing funnel is a model representing the stages of the buyer’s journey from the first interaction with your brand to the purchase.

The probability of sales decreases at each stage of the funnel. This is why it is so important for you to know your marketing funnel so you can market the right content for each step on the funnel.

Click on the tool to find your business marketing funnel.

Marketing Funnel

How a random person moves through your buying process and becomes a paying customer

Video is a great way to market your materials. Videos go well and are easy to share on most digital marketing platforms.

Videos also have a potential high ROI.

B2B (Business-to-Business) means marketing products/services to other businesses.

B2C (Business-to-Consumer) means marketing products/services directly to individual consumers.

You will have to consider which digital marketing strategy and platform depending on your clients.

SEM – Search Engine Marketing
Frequently Asked Questions

The quickest way to waste money on SEM is not knowing what you are doing.

Professionally managed SEM – Search Engin Marketing campaigns will drive a targeted audience to your website and will yield quality leads. Google Ads system is huge and you will need to know a bit about it, to reach the right customers at the right time.

Of course.

But think carefully about it, do you have the time, the professionalism and the experience to deal with this process? Google Ads system is very complex and your mistakes will cost money.

We believe you’d better focus on running your business and taking care of your clients more than just taking on another role of managing your company’s digital marketing.


You will need to choose the right agency that will give you a full, transparent and detailed explanation. This Agency needs to suit your business type and your budget.

Do a market search, contact a number of different agencies, get suggestions, and a list of recommendations. The more information you have, the more you will be able to make an informed decision.

Yes! we are a certified Google partner.

While we are a certified Google partner, our SEO services are not verified or endorsed by Google.

Monthly management fees include ongoing maintenance of the campaign, which includes optimization, regular account checks and improvements. We specialize in managing paid advertising on Google.

Depending on what are the results you’re looking for.

Website traffic – you will see an immediate increase in the number of website entrances.

Growth in the number of leads – of coarse your visitors will not always leave details or call your business. We will have to learn the behaviour of the visitors and act dynamically in order to convince them to leave their information. This is a process that may take a while.

Improve in the lead price – If a campaign is already working well, it is impossible to make too sharp changes, otherwise, there may be damage that will cause an increase in the price of the lead. We will act responsibly and professionally, which can take a while.

Working with us is without a contract, but the investment in setting up campaigns is high on everyone’s part.
Also, optimization takes time, therefore the advertisement services are a minimum of six months.

The budget varies from industry to industry and changes with the campaign goals.

Our initial intention will be to examine how many clicks bring in leads, how many of them become real interest potential customers, and how many of these generate a real purchase or paying client.

When we have this information, we will be able to discuss with you the optimal monthly budget that suits both your abilities and the industry field.

Any free offer in exchange for an email address and/or additional information can be considered as a lead magnet.

We can use a different lead magnet in both organic and paid campaigns: ebook, demo, cheat sheet, tool, free webinar/course, coupon etc.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization
Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on your business area, SEO – Search Engine Optimization can take from 2 months to years.  In very competitive industries, it might take longer or be even impossible.

Having said that, it will depend on the aggressiveness of the marketing efforts.

Of course… not!

SEO is one of the most important parts of any Digital Marketing strategy.  Your client and future clients spend a lot of time searching the web, your website should rank better than your competitors and bring you traffic that converts.

Investing in SEO means investing for the long run.


You are probably not surprised, although this is probably not the answer you wanted to hear.

SEO is not accurate science and because of that, it is impossible to commit. If a company tells you they can get your website to the first page quickly, reconsider if you want to work with them.

We are committed to working completely in transparency and making all the necessary efforts to promote your site.

It’s a complicated question with a complicated answer: depends.

Depends on so many factors such as:

  • The website’s seniority
  • Promotion history
  • Your competitors and what they do for SEO
  • The level of competition in the industry
  • Your budget

There will be keywords we will manage to rank in months, and some, unfortunately, in years.
But again, it is not possible to commit to an exact period of time.

SEO is not a shelf product with a pre-determined price. Each site, in each industry, with the competitors and their SEO, will carry a different prices. More than that, each digital marketing agency will vary in price.

We suggest you not to be tempted by cheap offers, as these are probably amateurs who may do more harm than good (unfortunately search engine like Google can punish websites and disappear them from the search results).

Just to estimate, prices for SEO will range between $400 – $1,000 a month, certain areas that are even more.

Unfortunately,  SEO is not enough for any business’s digital marketing strategy.

There are various other digital marketing channels including SEM, SMM and Email Marketing to brand and market your business.

Keywords are the words and phrases that searchers use when they use search engines. A search query for answers, knowledge, products or services can result in web pages, images, videos or any other relevant information.

When we perform SEO on your website, we consider the most relevant keywords and phrases your potential client might search for.

Our policy is no lock-in contacts, so no commitment.

The answer in a few words – you can stop SEO at any time, but we think you will not want to.

SEO is an ongoing process in which your site gains a reputation and advances in search results. If you decide to quit you will not disappear from the search page within a day. The optimization we do on your website is not going to go away.

Our experience shows that organic website optimization is the most effective long-term channel of marketing, and we are certain you will not want to stop a campaign that has already reached results.

We don’t work periodically in SEO.

SEO results take time to develop and need continual efforts for the results to keep up. By stopping periodically, you will lose results and your competitor will take advantage to get to potentials clients before you.


We believe you are the expert in your business therefore the only one who can write content that represents you and your business.

Of course, you can buy content but the best and most effective articles in terms of SEO are quality articles that give the reader value and these only the business can provide.


Although it is hard for us to learn new industry every time we don’t believe it is fair for our clients that we will use their inside knowledge.

Our no automation policy applies here as well as we offer elite digital marketing services, all hand made to fit your business needs.

SMM – Social Media Marketing
Frequently Asked Questions

A business Facebook page is the easiest and cheapest way to connect between your clients and your branding.
The most important thing to remember is that your posts should convey your business messages.

Your business Facebook page should be managed professionally and fluently, including any images or graphics.

Try focusing on your products/services, give value, write the content according to the marketing funnel, be authentic, be creative, honesty and above all know your customers.

You probably already know that the post you are publishing on your business page is not reaching all the people who liked the page. In fact, the organic percentage reach is 10%  or less. In pages with hundred of thousand followers, it can be way less, 1-2%.

So should you even post?

Yes. A Facebook business page is a free property online. In a lot of cases and industries if you are not there it’s like you don’t exist.

There are many ways to fight this percentage. Mostly with good, engaging content.

As much as this is a question of balances and it is related to the nature of the business, the straight answer is three times a week.

The truth is that only a small percentage of your fans see your posts. A post that is promoted via paid campaign will not receive significant exposure.
Since the goal in Facebook marketing is to stay in the public consciousness, one post a week will not do so (unless it is promoted on a high budget).

You can see Facebook campaign results in real-time, so its impact will be felt immediately. However, because each campaign has its own goals, it is not advisable to modify a campaign based on one parameter.

Facebook has a convenient ad management system, which allows daily tracking of the results of your campaigns.

If you are working with a digital marketing agency, they will probably check the campaign a few times a day and make sure it is working optimally. The agency will know if any change is needed (replace images, content, change the wording, CTA (Call-to-Action), change audience, increase in budget etc.). When the campaign is well run, the results will reflect it.


Any Digital Marketing move you make impacts your website and your business.

Facebook ads will expose your business to thousands. If you publish posts that will lead to your website, the number of visitors will increase significantly. This will probably case to increase in the number of leads. In the end, it will increase your business revenue.

Your posts, organic or paid, should match and carry your business messages.

Paid Facebook advertisement can reach a wide circulation of your targeted audience so it is important to manage it professionally under the brand and business approach both in content and graphics.

Facebook business manager and advertisement have a convenient management system, which allows daily tracking of the campaign results.

Any advertising campaign will have a goal that we will set up at the beginning. This goal will help us determine the success criteria.

We check the campaign daily and make sure it is working optimally. If it does not appear to be achieving the desired goal, we will make changes to it by replacing images, content, audience etc.

Web Development
Frequently Asked Questions

On average, our action plan for business websites will show six to eight weeks, but the length of the project will be set by you.

The main bottleneck is content. So the time will be affected by how quickly you can provide content (text, images) and input.

Of course, website functionality will also play a role. The complex websites with special requirements will take longer to develop.

Of course.

Your new website will be fully responsive and will look great on all devices.

As we progress in development we will review and fix the website so it will work wee on all devices.


It’s your business. You are the expert and the website should represent it.

We will provide ideas and steer you in the right direction but all content and images are your own.

We can!

We’ll provide you with an offer to on-going maintenance like we do with all of our clients.

Monthly maintenance fees will include new content uploads, backups, software updates, Plugin and Theme updates, check-ups, daily monitoring and issues fixing.

Contact us to learn about our different monthly Website Maintenance plans for existing and new websites.


Our clients are all over the globe.

Websites can be completed via phone meetings and emails. We will have regular communication and meetings.
As an online marketing company, we work well remotely 🙂

It is not a question of how many pages (you can have as many as you want) it is more a question of layouts.

We will discuss your website needs after you complete our Website Specifications Questionnaire.

Unfortunately, no.

The way a website is shown depends on the browser, screen size, screen resolution and computer setting.

We will build the website with that in mind and will check it on different screen sizes and several browsers.

A website should be updated regularly, often.
Your business website is your connection to your clients and potential clients, so any new relevant content should be updated.

As SEO people, we love blogs.

Blogs give us the opportunity to rank on more keywords, relevant to your business.
The publishing of a blog helps you get your voice out there and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

Blogs also help you categorize your content. Your clients can read only the parts that interest them.

The answer depends on your ability to provide valuable content and ROI.

Your audience will love and engage with your content only if you provide value that is relevant to your industry. People don’t like junk content and search engines hate it.

We recommend posting two blogs per month but this can come with a huge investment so you will need to calculate your ROI (return-on-investment) before committing to blogging.

From an SEO point of view, the more content you post on your website, the higher frequency that search engines will index your website.



We only use WordPress to build websites.

Email Marketing
Frequently Asked Questions

You do know you can force them. Right?

You are reaching people’s inbox and you have about 2 seconds to catch their attention and make them open your email or delete it.

Defining your audience and its needs will help make the content and titles tailored to them. This will help you send relevant messages and increase of opening rate.

Focus on the value your business can bring your clients. Relevant offers and content will drive people to read your emails.

Unfortunately, the answer is yes but it is STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED.

Purchasing an email list means that you are emailing people who did not choose to hear from you (and will probably get it to their spam folder). This goes against the process we showed above.

Emailing people who don’t know your brand and didn’t opt-in your list is a bad idea. We wouldn’t like it to happen to us so why do it?


There is no one answer to this question and it will vary in industry and times of the year.

Unfortunately, this can only be defined by going through all the email campaign process.

To really know the answer we will try different times and days and carefully analyze the results (opening rate, CTR and unsubscribe rate).

The opening rate percentage will vary from industry to industry and from audience to audience.  About 20%-40% is what we will aim to.

Please note that the opening rate is not the only indicator of a successful email campaign.


This will have to be examined with your marketing funnel.

If your emails are tailored to your audience and carry value it will help your audience invest in your product/service.

But it will up to your business to convert. If your business offers a good solution to a problem and we reached the targeted audience with an email, the chances to convert are high.


By using email marketing you are communicating directly with your clients and potential clients.

People check their email multiple times a day, making email marketing essential.

First, it depends on how often you can create valuable content.
If you can, biweekly is a good start.

This applies to valuable content and not a sales pitch.

When we say lead nurturing we mean moving potential and existing customers down the marketing funnel via email marketing.

Unsubscribing means many things, maybe the people are not in your targeted audience, your emails are not with value, your titles are not relevant etc.

In a way, the unsubscribers are helping us make the targeted audience and the email content focused.

Have other questions?

Let’s talk and make sure your business has the right Internet Marketing solution!

Digital Marketing Tools

Audience Persona

Make sure that you are generating targeted leads

Marketing Funnel

How a random person moves through your buying process and becomes a paying customer

Ads Budget Calculator

Paid advertising calculator

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